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astrologie, horoskop, birthchart, zodiac sign, sternzeichen, mond, aszendent, astrology, planeten



"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and,
like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more."

über mich
astrologie lernen, horoskop verstehen, birthchart, zodiac sign, sternzeichen, mond, aszendent, astrology, planeten, mindfool muse

Have you ever wondered what astrology is all about? Is it possible that constellations of stars and the course of the planets really influence our personality and life?


Especially in recent years, astrology has experienced an extreme hype with more and more people using this tool to reflect on themselves and understand their own rhythms through the seasons.

By observing my own processes, astrology has awakened my passion and taken on a special place in my life and work.

HeY there

astrologie lernen, horoskop verstehen, birthchart, zodiac sign, sternzeichen, mond, aszendent, astrology, planeten, mindfool muse

my name is lisa

and i have made it my mission to open various spaces to allow curious and

non-judgmental exchange about archetypes,

cycles, the sun, moon and stars.

Through a personal reading or my online workshops, I offer you the opportunity to dig deep into your horoscope to explore your individual energetic fingerprint as well as integrate the cycles of the planets and nature into your daily life.

With a lot of love for detail, creative exercises as well as tips & tricks for everyday life, I give astrology

a modern touch and make it

easily accessible for everyone.

Dear Lisa,

Thank you again for your astrological advice! So far, the language of Western traditional astrology and horoscope interpretation was totally out of my reach.

due to its complexity, it simply hasn't been comprehensible to me. 

With your authentic and clear language, your precision and depth, you've been  able to really deliver the informations in an authentic and understandable way.

I have been able to recognize myself even better and understand how I can develop

my potential and use them in a targeted manner.

Your excellent expert knowledge and at the same time refreshing manner

have convinced me very much. I recognize myself in all your information and have also received many valuable impulses and inspirations on how I can

use the qualities of time to be in the cosmic flow.

I am very interested in in-depth online courses/consultations.

thanks so much again, Hanka 

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Thanks so much ♡ can't wait to get in touch with you

get in touch



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